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Sunday, November 2, 2014

I am...

This post is seriously... Backdated till I can't remember the exact date. If i'm not wrong, it should be around August, 3 months back! Yes I have lotsa foodporn pictures so I'm trying my utmost best to clear them all! & I need to start drafting out my BKK trip with JY soon.

Celebrated XT's birthday at I am cafe, no that wasn't a typo error. I am cafe is an European Halal certified cafe, so for Muslim friends fret not!

Somebody had this Iced Latte/Cappuccino @ $5.90

BLT Sandwich @ $11.90
BLT - Bacon (Turkey), Lettuce and Tomato layers of crispy turkey bacon sitting on a bed of lettuce and tomatoes, sandwiched between ciabatta & served with classic Caesar salad

Fish 'N' Chips @ $15.90
English-style battered whole dory served with our signature thick-cut fries

It's understandable that we had to queue for approximately 30 minutes as it was peak hour for dinner on weekends. I had the BLT sandwich and it was great, value for money as it is damn filling! the remaining 3 had the same order - Fish 'N' Chips. 1 say it was all right, the birthday girl felt that their fish was great and the NS guy commented that it tasted horrible, one of the worse fish 'n' chips ever. In my opinion, their Fish 'N' Chips is acceptable, not that horrible lah.I felt that it was kinda overpriced for this portion. 

They have free-flow ice water station with slices of orange instead of the classic lemon. Interesting concept.

Here comes the absurd part: 

Initially we ordered 'I am..." platters @ $18.90 as the starters. I mean... this is the most expensive starters you can find on their Menu, and I expected it to be insta-worthy. Unfortunately, we cancelled this dish after numerous bad service with their staff. I knew that most reviews given to this cafe is about their awful service, treating the Chinese differently etc. We tried our best not to get swayed by those nasty comments online but this is totally unacceptable.

1. Our main courses had been served for a few minutes and the platter wasn't here yet. Requested from 1 of the waiters, he said that he'll check with the kitchen.

2. No updates from them. Okay fine, we continued chit-chatting and waited patiently. Tried to get some eye-contact with the waiter but to no avail.

3. Requested for our platters to be served from another waiter. An expected answer from him as well, will check with the kitchen/gave us a slight nod to acknowledge.

4. By then we have completed our individual dish and asked for WT's rainbow cake to be served.

Highly raved by many instagrammers due to the vibrant rainbow colours so WT just had to try it!

If I didn't remember wrongly, this slice of cake cost us ~$8-$9? It's too pricey and it tasted like a typical vanilla cake with cream cheese frosting. Edible though, just without the 'wow' factor and you won't be back for their taste. These are just insta-worthy but quality wise is no different from a vanilla cake. Okay before you lecture me about cakes, I am aware that rainbow cakes were originally made from vanilla madagascar bean or whatever you call it, so I can't complain much. However, for a slice that cost >$8 is unworthy!

No I didn't side track from the absurd incident. Continuing...

5. We got really upset by their service breakdown and I kinda reprimanded the staff (in the most demure way as possible...) for our platter. Well I just mentioned that "if you guys aren't serving our platter then please cancel the order. We requested for it to be served thrice, our main course are wiped out completely and to no avail?"

Kinda mad about it but on a bright note, we get to save money also. & the ultimate... XT asked them about our platter when our dessert is already here before my confrontation with them. The waiter said somewhere along the line, "Starters to be served after dessert", either that or he agrees to XT's sarcasm. LIKE WHUUUUUT. 

Maybe they should not even have the selection of STARTERS. Starters are appetizers. Dont wish to probe much into this matter but yeh, we managed to cancel the order. It simply shows that they did not even prepare that dish. 

Enough said, we're never going back to the cafe again. Not the worst cafe but definitely not worth for a second trip!

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