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Friday, November 14, 2014

Taste Paradise

Brother brought us out on PH (National Day) for Dim sum @ Taste Paradise to celebrate my Dad's birthday. Yes I know it's too backdated but yeah. I can't bear to see my photos chunk at 1 corner and not sharing it on my blog so here I go...

Pu-er tea for 6 pax ($16.80)

Excited Mama & Papa waiting to try out this atas dim sum restaurant

Cheong Fun with Shrimps @ $6.20

This is just a typical Rice noodle roll that you get from any dimsum stalls, nothing special except for the price lololol

Har gao @ $5.80

Same goes to this item, typical Har Gao where I can find it easily at 126 or Swee Choon

Prawn and Mango roll @ $5.60

Well this roll is the new kick. Not every dimsum place serves sweet Mango with fresh prawn. The perfect combination simply melts in your mouth with that crispy soft skin on the outside.

Crispy fried Fish skin @ $9.80

Didn't really try this dish so I have forgotten the taste :P

Xiao Long Bao @ $9.60

... SERIOUSLY? I just realized the price of this freaking 4 XLB priced at almost 10 bucks. Anyway it's a "tradition" to order XLB anywhere. However, their XLB isn't that worth the price, just like those typical Paradise Dynasty ones, but on a pricey side. Okay lah at least their XLB is better than Din Tai Fung's, as I really dislike DTF's xiao long bao. What's there to rave about when you got Paradise Dynasty legend XLB?!

 Steamed Custard Bun @ $5.80

Another must-have for dimsum. Their custard buns are very filling! This is more delicious compared to Swee Choon's, as Swee Choon's skin are quite thick actually. 

Deep fried beancurd skin @ $9.80

 Fried Spring Roll @ $5.80

Daebak! Awesome.

Pumpkin Pastry @ $4.20

Century Egg with Lime @ $8.80

Their lime taste like sorbet. Awesome combination to go with. 

Taste Paradise famous XO Carrot Cake @ $7.80

1 sentence to sum it up: Best carrot cake invention, ever. Except the fact that they have dried chilli pan-fried together :( I even forced myself with this dish despite the spiciness. 

Combination with Suckling Pig @ $42

Thanks to my brother's generous treat, if not I highly doubt I'll get to taste this atas dish without him! I know that metal spoon is redundant in this picture but I ain't got time to prepare/adjust the props before taking a picture. My stomach is growling like mad.

Fried Rice with Tobikko Fish @ $20

This is probably not the insta-worthy picture but THIS IS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. Hands down to this best fried rice that yours truly ever tasted! Yep, but at a damage of $20 -_-

All in all, Taste Paradise is only suited for those rich Tai Tai who are seeking for High-tea. Our total damage (I didn't take picture of all the items) for this celebration is $215. If you are roaming in Ion Orchard yet Taste Paradise is too costly for you, fret not. Paradise Dynasty (Yes both of them are from the same Paradise group) is just few restaurants away, at the same level. Be prepared to queue during peak hours. 

Anyhow, a scrumptious high-tea calls for mahjong session and this is how I ended my day with them!


Loving JY's smile here, didn't know that he is that handsome. Hello Shuai Ge ^^

 #throwback to catch up session with YY & WL @ Holland! We need to meet up more often!

Thank you E for the double scoop Hei Chocolate @ Greenwich outlet

That's like journey to the North-east with semi sponsored cab back home :D THANK YOU AH JY *wink wink* More throwback photos to be updated soon! In the midst of sorting out my BKK trip pictures. Oh no I need another getaway soon from this stressful cum fast-paced country.

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