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Sunday, October 12, 2014

"Broke, fat, lazy, or stupid are things that happen when you don’t have a plan"

-Above-mentioned quoted from Larry Winget.

Just a simple post without any visuals. I am crazily addicted to the Sims 3 recently, and I relate almost everything in reality to the game. Went Kusu Island with my parents today as I detest spending my precious weekends aka off days at home rotting. I do not have the choice of studying, honestly... The last time I truly studied for an exam was 2012 August - that's about 2 years back. I'm trying my utmost best to maximize ways to keep my brain working. Seriously I can't imagine myself to be a student in August next year. It's all about a degree.

Relating to the Sims, they get paid <$200/h max even if they reach the highest track when they have no formal qualifications. (I'm holding the Sims expansion pack: University Life) Once my Sims completed a relevant degree in the selected industry, their starting pay can be as high as $100 as a junior. I know this sounds absurd as I'm comparing the society with an unrealistic game. Well, as long as you get the idea.

Ever since I'm working in the HR dept, I realized that everything is all about qualifications. RELEVANT experiences are secondary. It's just an additional increment, you aren't going to exceed to the top if your qualifications aren't there. That's why people study part-time to obtain masters/PhD. I feel so lethargic every working day despite holding the tiny position: Admin Assistant. Major salute to those who work full-time & study part-time at the same fucking time. 

I know people mentioned about "qualification isn't everything", yes to a certain extent. CPF problems are well-known recently due to the dissatisfaction among Singaporeans. I'm not into politics but I'm absolutely sure of something: If you want a good life even after you retire, you gonna work doubly hard for it because you can't just depend on your CPF savings. Not every Singaporeans get to retire and enjoy the last quarter of your lifespan smoothly. That's why we still spot those elderly taking up manual labour job. 

Things will be better if I'm born with a silver spoon. I still love my family as there are poorer families compared to my situation! Although I can't help but to envy those friends who have a lump sum of assets waiting for them (and they'll always claim that they don't use their parents money and have no interest of attaining their assets), I'm still grateful for whatever I have right now; at this moment. Because the moment I start to envy others' life, somebody out there is envying mine too! :)

Just some reflection of life.

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