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Monday, October 6, 2014

Wafflelicious | Habitat Coffee | Salted Caramel

This backdated date with JY is probably one of the most sinful cafe hopping... All the fats are stored in my tummy, thighs and arms right now. Yes, your eyes aren't playing a trick on you. I visited 3 cafe within a day, or to be exact within 4 hours.

That's how crazy we were. Well, maybe just JY. Back then we were having some unsettled issues the night before, I even told him this shall be our last cafe hopping before we are back to friends :\ He wanted to salvage the relationship so he gave in all he could, making sure that my sweet tooth is satisfied. Thanks for feeding me till I'm back to fatty again >:(

Wafflelicious wasn't part of our plan, blame it on Habitat Coffee's queue. The hostess informed that the waiting time was approximately 1 hour and what else can we do on a Saturday @ Upper Thomson Road with the scorching sun hanging in the sky?! As quoted from JY's version of 20 facts about me, "I can't live without aircon for more than 5 minutes", I had to rest in another cafe (Habitat Coffee is quite cramped so we can't queue indoor) at all cost. Therefore, the Saint-of-that-day suggested WAFFLELICIOUS CAFE!

Bananarama ($8.20 + $0.30)
Banana waffle, cookies & cream ice cream, sliced banana and oreo crumbs

Cookies & cream wasn't available on that day so we changed to another flavour, hence the additional 30 cents. I'm a contented eater when it comes to dessert. Just give me my preferred flavours and i'll be satisfied. In this case, I'm loving the chocolate ice cream with sliced bananas. However, I wouldn't make a trip down to Upper Thomson road just for Wafflelicious as:

1. It is pricey
2. Size of waffle is not generous
3. Yet their crumbs (in my Bananarama's case) were overflowing and spoils the original flavour

& just a side point, I dislike browsing their Menu because it is so messy to understand - the presentation is definitely not acceptable and they are using those... A4 Plastic holder that crumples easily.

Yes, those plastic holder that you use in the office.

Next station, our initiated cafe - Habitat Coffee!

Another snapshot of my angel :D

There's a need for them to expand the cafe as there are VERY limited seats available which leads to long queue - longer waiting time. Thank God JY did not insist to queue under the scorching sun for 1 hour. 

Eggs Tomato Relish ($15)
Secret tomato goodness recipe served in a hot plate with 2 eggs, bacon, baby spinach & country sourdough toast

The Big Ben ($14)
Scrambled eggs & honey baked ham on english fluff, chicken cheese sausage, grilled tomato and mini potato pancakes

Do take note that their Brunch menu is only available all-day on weekends

I had the Big Ben and it was so good, I mistook their mini potato pancakes as hash browns. I love their grilled tomato, cheese sausage and their fluffy scrambled eggs! A typical cafe's big breakfast cost from $15 but this dish is only $14... I would definitely make another trip down to that inconvenient place just for this. JY had the eggs tomato relish (you get a choice of sunny-side up or scrambled eggs) and his verdict was pleasant as well. 

However, a woman sitting beside us had the same dish as JY & she commented so loudly that it sucks and the amount of food left untouched was... *face palm*. Every traces of food you left might become a holy meal for those starving child in Africa. 

Last but not least, Salted Caramel for dessert. Yes, now you understand why I turned fatter after getting into a relationship. Got tired of watching movies so the only place we can date is restaurants/cafe - trying out new food to satisfy our tummies.

Borrowed his wallet as an accessory HAHA

"I shall not consume waffles for a month!" that's what I thought to myself on that day. I ate too much that day & I regret it so much

Luckily I'm attached if not nobody wants me anymore... :(

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