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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Trick Eye Museum

& We finally made a trip to the famous tourist destination in Sentosa - Trick Eye Museum

As you can deduce from the above picture, I was already tip-toeing and failed to fit into the default size. Thanks -_-

Just to recap (not), I THINK we visited the museum on a weekday...? Oh god my memory is failing me. There wasn't any queue but it was pretty crowded inside. There isn't any reasons for me not to spoil the anticipation as I'm very sure 90% of Singaporeans have made a trip there during their opening sale - 50% off! Unfortunately we didn't have any discounts, it was entirely an impromptu visit and we didn't have the time to book online - 10% off. The usual price ticket for 1 Adult is $25.

*Anyway I am aware of several online coupons i.e. Groupon/deal that cost less than $20 per entry, YESSSS BUT I DON'T REGRET IT BECAUSE I DONT FREAKING NEED TO QUEUE UNDER THE SCORCHING SUN ^^*

JY took this "artistic" shot at Sentosa Broadwalk. Ignore my armpit fats & the picture will be perfect. Dang I want that THICK AND LONG HAIRSTYLE. My current hairstyle looks like a grass patch in black, why did I request for thinner hair? T_T Lao niang absolutely regrets, the result of being ghey kiang (Act smart...)

Loving my top from H&M :D

Let the pictures do the talking~

I miss my old hair length terribly T.T (My all-time quote whenever I have a haircut)

 Who the f*** smiles at the camera when you are falling from a mountain...? Can play along the scenario anot >:(
 Yes I have muscular cum fatty arms, I'm aware. 
 Handstand mission complete :D

My thunder thighs aren't that obvious here thanks to the fatty Panda :P

FYI, these are the successful shots we took on that day, there were many failed ones especially those that JY took. T.T Why...

Took by a passer-by

Can you spot something wrong with this picture? Yes, I absolutely adore the angle, the precision. The illusion is damn spot-on and JY has to spoil it... Look at his feet. WHY THE HECK ARE YOU STANDING ON THE GROUND. I feel like throwing thousands of rocks at his feet.

... Not enough evidence to prove his lousy skills?

Me: Help me take a picture leh 
JY: Okay, 3 2 1 *snap*
-After inspecting the picture-
Me: I might as well walk around Sentosa and snap pictures of myself sitting on a rock

Seriously? I don't know whether to laugh or get mad at JY. Who the hell takes picture like that?! The illusion images don't serve any purpose at all. What's up with that... elephant trunk and head?! 

JY: It's because I can only see you from my eyes, that's why I took it this way

Ah okay la, although I whine so much (take zoom in pictures of myself for $25), I still love you many many okay! It's getting late now & I have work tomorrow! Sorry for the abrupt ending of this post but we made another trip to Alive Museum @ Suntec and the pictures are SO MUCH BETTER. You'll get to see the difference when I post them. xx

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