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Thursday, December 26, 2013

How I spent my Christmas 2013

Blessed Christmas indeed.

"It's not about receiving valuable gifts from others, it's the thought that genuinely matters." 
Thank you ALL (regardless of who you are, even if you're whispering 'Merry Christmas to Mandy' while reading this post) for the kind thoughts :D

 21st Dec: Christmas gathering with Ritz colleagues @ B house. Gambled & lost $10 oh no~

Contributed $15 capitaland voucher & received this gift from B/TW. Mmm not bad! Better than receiving those pretty useless mugs 

23rd Dec: (work) Manager handed over this strawberry cupcake as a Christmas token.

That's... so heartwarming. I barely know him for a week, this may seem insignificant to the rest but I'm touched by this light gesture. Thank you Mr Lim! To express my appreciation, I devoured the cupcake even though my lunch time is over. :P

 23rd Dec: Had early Christmas exchange with my dearest sec sch clique a.k.a. X56 (long story of how we manage to name our clique) !

Hand-written cards/notes NEVER go out of trend, especially from your beloved

Dinner @ Spize, dessert @ SwirlArt. 

SwirlArt's yogurt has dropped drastically in terms of quality. I'm not kidding. I used to hang out OFTEN @ SwirlArt with my polymates & sec sch friends. Those valuable memories we've created... But now, their standard got worst. In conclusion, I would recommend SOGURT.

(had it during my lunch time)

The lovelies of my life since 2006

We gossiped, updated one another of our individual lives, planned for Gwen's 21st etc. Love chiu gaiz~!

MY favourite hangout.

Can't believe we left YY's house past midnight. End up C walked home, HM & G took cab while my cute daddy fetched me back! Felt so reluctant to leave her house like seriously... in such a cosy room with the best companion (everybody was nua-ing on her bed), I DON'T WANT THE GOOD TIMES TO END T.T

Btw, I also received a mini candy box from ! Thank you for the surprise!

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