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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Halfway thru....

How's everybody living in Singapore? Yes I know, the PSI (Pollutant Standard Index) level is seriously absurd. At times, I really feel that NEA's updates on PSI level is not accurate at all. I've also heard people (from fb / twitter) mentioning that the actual level is WAY higher than what they posted. They are just averaging out the 3-hour level. Suddenly, I miss the fresh & clear sky. 

Although I'm very very displeased with the current situation now (My hair, clothes and body stinks. I was gasping for fresh air/holding my breath whenever I'm outdoor etc), the haze actually kills insects. I was walking along Henderson blocks & I saw COUNTLESS dead bodies of cockroaches. I'm not kidding. The entire path is filled with their dead bodies I have no idea why. This is the only positive side I can think of. Other than that, it's really killing us. 

What my friend said was right, the Council will continue to inform us to stay indoors etc, ignoring the fact that everybody is travelling in the early morning be it work/school. They will only take actions when somebody FAINTS from this lousy weather. I'm glad that I did not take MRT transportation during this period because I heard it's super stuffy, you're basically suffocating yourself with the rest. I've been taking buses all these while & at least I have a seat, nobody to squeeze together with me. P.S. try to take those newer bus versions, I don't know why but their air is fresher. 

I've a really great plan for this coming weekend, please rain & haze haze go away *crosses ALL fingers*

Anyway, here are some 9gag pictures related to Singapore Haze. Credit goes to relevant people, NOT MINE.


Finally received my free samples from Hada Labo ^^ Whitening Lotion & Cleansing oil make up remover!

They are really generous because my package includes 1 whitening lotion bottle & THREE Cleansing oil! YAY!

Actually I just love receiving free items. This is for whitening PURPOSE, which I have absolute no interest.... Probably i'll give to my friends. Anybody wants to be fairer? It's a lotion (also a toner).

TBH, I do find my blog kinda dead yet I have no outstanding post at all. So just post random stuff to make it more lively!

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