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Monday, June 24, 2013

Failed Adventure Cove + Picnic

Extracted from Adventure Cove official website:
Adventure Cove Waterpark™ is now closed due to current weather conditions. We seek your kind understanding in this matter and look forward to welcoming you soon.

If you're planning to visit Adventure Cove, please check their official website for latest updates, or you ring them up, the Guest services. To my knowledge, I've inquired about the closure date. They will only open after 27th June 2013 (subject to changes). Freak, my long-awaited outting with RC people got cancelled. Furthermore, they decided to close the waterpark ON FRIDAY, which is ONE day before Saturday.

We ended up singing @ Ksuite followed by simple dinner. le sigh

The 5 of us who chose Ala Carte decided to satisfy our sweet tooth by trying Ah Chew Dessert! Address: 1 Liang Seah Street

Have been hearing lots of compliments about this popular dessert store located in Bugis. YAY FINALLY IT'S MY TURN TO TRY!

Interior design! We were damn lucky to get an indoor seat!!!

Menu is already placed underneath that table glass, makes it damn efficient for ordering. (You need to queue for a table, followed by the ordering queue)

Durian HK Ice Redbean @ S$4.70. 

Priced @ S$5.20! B said this is not up to his expectation. 

Grass Jelly Mango @ S$3.60!

Priced @ S$3.30

My selection! Mango sago with Ice cream (Cookies & cream) @ S$3.70 + S$1 = S$4.70

JY treated me to this! Caramel Chocolate Waffle Sundae @ S$10.50 from Baskin Robbins!

Oh, & overdue pictures taken on Friday night!
Mask day! (I know how to wear the mask properly, this is for illustration ONLY LOL)

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