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Monday, November 18, 2013

Q: What is my life goal?

A: I have no goals. I can't visualise myself working in an office from Mon-Fri, 9am to 6pm and might even need to OT on certain days. 

Click only if you are prepared to read a typical ranting post by a 20 year old Singaporean, female.


FUCKKKKK. Im really lost. I know I should stop myself from negative thoughts. I have endless worries, but I just can't get this question out of my mind. It concerns MY future. MY purpose of coming to this world.

My number 1 is to apply to NTU Biz but my G.P.A. isn't really there.. Yes I know there are other friends out there who has lower GPA compared to mine, I'm not despising on them. What I mean is that my GPA can't make it for local U biz course. I'm definitely eligible for other courses like Engineering, Health Sciences etc. I even thought of getting a Psychology degree. BUT WTF ASKING ME TO WRITE TONS OF ESSAY IS A NO-NO. I got a C6 for my O level English. What do you think?!

My back up plan (a.k.a. Plan B) is to enter NIE. However, my experienced Sister told me if I enter NIE with a diploma cert, the pay won't be high as compared to local U degree. So what she suggested is that I should just get a degree in ANY FIELD, followed by applying to NIE. but I'm really uninterested in other discipline other than biz. 

Other than this week, I can't seem to find any other temporary jobs (excluding F&B and retailing). This adds on to my sadness because I don't even dare to check my account balance. Even thought of changing my hairstyle after 7 months but I guess I should just suck thumb and tahan with my "grassy" hair. Unless there's a job for the month of Dec, I AM WILLING TO COMMIT. :( 

I'm not going to be like the rest "How I wish I'm back as a kid..." but I really hate the fact that I'm growing up. I just want to be a housewife la. JY Please take note. For the sake of not working, I'm willing to give birth >:( YOU NEED TO SUPPORT MEEEEEEEEE. 

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