Back to little updates of my life so far :)
Bought our 1st phone casing (paired) after so long. Yep I'm using the casing of Mong Ji Hyo! :D
Last week, my mum decided to whip scrumptious dinner for YOURS TRULY + JY. Yummy max haha it'll be perfect for me if she used cream base for spaghetti but yeah I STILL LOVE IT. No I didn't even touch the broccoli...
We decided to upgrade our cooking skills, so this time round we didn't buy those ready-to-eat pancakes! Instead, we bought pancake flour mix! It's pretty easy to mix, just add milk & egg.. But the problem I always face when it comes to cooking: JUST WANNA SIT DOWN AFTER THE MEAL YET I HAVE TO WASH ALL THE PLATES & CUTLERY !@#$^&#*
Finally tried Xcape last weekend, this outing was super impromptu please. LOL! Yeah, our result can be depicted from the props uh. It's more of a team bonding game than scary stuff imo. Initially I thought i'll be screaming all the way due to the "spooky" feeling, end up it's really nothing. It's not even like Haunted House @ Escape Theme Park. (Y)
Today marks the last day of the conference event. This is the BEST conference job I've ever taken. Firstly the pay is pretty attractive, secondly it's more of OTOT (Own time Own target) kind, last but not least I'm treated like how they are supposed to treat the high profile people for this event, the investors. SERIOUSLY. I'm just a crew (purple lanyard for Crew) yet the MO team offered a high level of service to ANYBODY as long as they have a lanyard.
Here are some of the phrases the Part-time banquet staff used:
"Good morning/afternoon Ma'am, what would you...."
(Walks pass them)
"Good morning Ma'am!"
(After I received my drink/food)
"Here you go, have a nice day/have a pleasant day/enjoy your day!"
Still remember there was 1 particular young lady who offered help when I was looking for their bottled water. SUPER ENTHU CAN. I never even seek for assistance, she even used the word "certainly" and RAN to get the bottle for me. Aww very touched :)
JY, can we arrange our future wedding dinner @ MO? I WANT THIS KIND OF SERVICE HAHAHAHAHA
"RABBITS IN THE ZOO", I always thought we offer a personalised service that can be distinguished among other nearby competitors, but I guess I'm wrong.. Thousands of thumbs-up for MO Banquet Team! ^^v
ENDLESS SNACKS + FRUITS IN THE TEMP STAFF ROOM. HAHAHA I feel that the fruits are meant for people who are on a clean diet uh, but #yoloatconference so I decided to choose my remedy, CHOCOLATE.
Their breakout rooms are allocated from Level 6 to Level 11. This is the overview of lift lobby. Can you spot the chefs?! Basically, each of the lift lobby (breakout sessions only) has a FOOD STATION. omg food. Who can resist the temptation of food. Especially when it's free-flow...
I got so excited over this different-level-different-food concept and I managed to memorise this:
Level 6: Crepe and Waffle
Level 8: American Beef Sandwich
Level 9: Hand-made Sausages (2ND FAV)
Level 10: Goose liver or something, can't really remember
Level 11: Gelato with toppings!
Smart right. Managed to memorise with the help from J. She works at Level 8 so I'll always visit her during my break sessions. The chefs stationed at Wasabi Prawns know my existence. Whenever I walk towards the station, he'll ask "4? or more?" HAHAHAH.
Here it is!!!
Supposingly, we are allowed to have our meals in MO's staff canteen. I decided to sit @ the cozy corner of the breakout rooms, with a coffee/pastry station just beside us since Thursday.
With this awesome view (hotel's interior)
Obviously I had other benefits but I'm not going to state everything here uh~ I shall stop here if not I won't be able to wake up on time tomorrow! x.x Finally meeting this muscular guy after a week! Missing him like crazy, can't imagine my emotions during his field camp :(
Taken on the last day of the conference. Happy food = Happy me.
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