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Sunday, September 15, 2013

x Sunday

It's been long since I have my entire home to myself on a (rainy) Sunday. Yes, my ITP ended 2 days ago, Friday the 13th. Life's good, Internship got a little more interesting & less boring with the new Internee who took over my job! Wrote personalised farewell message to every site I've been to, thanking them & most of them mentioned "Keep in touch", "you have been a great help to us", "My personal email & contact is...." etc. Although I want to get out of my ITP asap, if there's a job title called "roving assignment within different condominium", I'll definitely continue with my company! Sadly, it's either they want to train me as Property Officer or I choose to be their Admin & Acct Assistant. Sigh. Goodbye anyway~

Went back to Ritz yesterday after MIA-ing for 5 months+. That nostalgic feeling... Nevertheless it feels great to be back in the place where I grew up, met different people, had mini crushes/eye-candy, a place filled with endless memories & last but not least, I found my prince charming wearing a jacket, in-charge of my welfare :) 

Anyhow, I feel kinda absurd when people tell me "Why you come back?" "I thought you don't wanna work here anymore?" excluding all the "you've become fatter and fatter leh..." comments because all these are absolutely unnecessary for me lah. Our job scope involves serving and clearing, it's not like only skinny people can fit in this job. Initially I admit I got so affected by the redundant comments about MY appearance to the extent I'll always whine my frustrations to JY. As time passes, I've come to a point that I don't even bother about such "wu liao" judgement. Even if I'm as fat like this:

It is MY business ok? #justsaying because certain group of people ALWAYS judge my figure for >2 times leh. I don't get it why they have to repeat their redundant opinions to me eh. Probably they want to start a conversation with me but can't find an appropriate topic? HAHA. Anyway, I can differentiate "just-saying" comments & "really-feel-that-Mandy-is-fat-and-I-should-remind-her". I'm not referring to ANYBODY who says im fat lah! Some friends are making a joke out of it of course I don't even blame them! KTHX. I appreciate your concern & here's an award for you!

*change the date to 15th of September in the year 2013* 

K enough of rants. P.S. Don't anyhow jump into conclusions that "Oh, Mandy is referring to xxx leh". -_-


Just 12 more days. I'm getting happier each day because I can feel the excitement! JY is proud of me for not tearing even though I've not seen him for ~1 week. Frankly speaking I start to miss him since yesterday. 

I'm requesting for another head massage from YOU when your confinement ends :p
I don't care whether you're tired or what, I want massage session again! 
♥ing you always! (I have to repeat this everytime because JY is feeling extremely insecure during his confinement!)

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