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Saturday, June 15, 2013


Hello Earthlings! If you're reading this post right now (especially to women), you are lucky enough! Why? Because I'm sharing all the FREE samples that are available on Facebook/websites. Yes, ANYBODY can redeem your sample as long as you have a facebook account (and you definitely have to like their page in order to view the page). Please read on!

Click HERE to get your free Hada Labo Whitening Lotion & Cleansing Oil!

Click HERE to get your free Neutrogena Hydro Boost Mini Hydrating Kit!

Click HERE to get your free Listerine Green Tea mouthwash!

Click HERE to get your free Palmer's products!

Click HERE to get your free Acnes Sample Set consisting:
 Creamy Wash, Powder lotion & Sealing Jell!
Click HERE to get your free Rexona sample!
Click HERE to get your free Bio-essence Royal Jelly + ATP!

Click HERE to get your free Lactacyd sample!

Click HERE to get your free UV expert GN-shield 3-day sampling kit!

Click HERE to get biotherm aquasource deep serum!


That should be all FOR NOW, I'm in the midst of searching for MORE free samples for redemption! All you have to do is to provide them with your address, personal info and maybe some will ask you simple questions related to their product. I mean, it doesn't hurt to take ~2minutes of your time to fill up all the blanks and TADAAAAAA, you'll receive a "gift" from your mailbox within 14 days! I've always heard online shopping is just like buying a gift for yourself, because whenever you open your mailbox, a parcel will be waiting for you. 

THIS IS THE RIGHT ONE!!!! Furthermore, you don't even have to spend a SINGLE cent. IT IS REALLY A PRESENT FOR YOU. LOL!

I'll update this post whenever I find new samples for grabs, so do remember to check this post out regularly hehehe. & did I mention this? You can't create multi accounts to get >1 sample because one address is limited to ONE sample only. Dont have to feel disheartened because I realised they will update their free sample section within few months/days! I'm not too sure about the duration BUT, I just got myself ANOTHER Hada Labo sample! This time round is Whitening lotion + cleansing oil. Few months back, I remember claiming a sample from Hada Labo, it's Hydrating lotion. This simply shows they are constantly changing their samples. SO PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK BACK WHENEVER YOU'RE FREE.

Hope this post helps those people out there who loves to receive sample, receive present from your mailbox and lastly, testing products before settling on your final decision of your skincare products. Stay beautiful!

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