(Late Post)
So last Sunday, we celebrated commander's advance 20th Birthday. Started off by L4D2 fight followed by dinner @ Astons. Wow, Cathay's outlet has expanded and I'm so glad to have E & QP to help us queue for seats first! Am also satisfied to see his expression when he opened his present from us. Overall, it was a success. My efforts aren't wasted. I'm truly happy.
JY's share! Black Pepper Chicken with Mac&cheese and Coleslaw
My all-time Astons favourite: Teriyaki Chicken with Onion Rings & Mashed Potato!
Individual shots with that birthday boyguy.
Group shot! Everybody is HAPPY. It's all that matters.
Love this group shot the best! Hope our friendship stays strong & we shall meet up often! :D
B & J couldn't make it, I've already expressed B's sadness to JY. He understands, no worries! You guys just missed out the fun we had :P Am having slight headache now @ work, I shall keep this post short and sweet. Part 2 celebration post will be out few days later~
I wonder, though I don't expect anything, I still hope...
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